Juan Felipe Pérez-Juste Abascal, Ph.D.
Researcher in medical imaging, image processing, inverse problems and deep learning
Current position at AMIDS Solutions, Lyon, France
juanabascal78 at gmail.com
Computer vision
GitHub: https://github.com/jabascal/ai-surveillance
AI camera surveillance with opencv and object detection (YOLOv8, MobileNetv2, ...) and actions.
- Python, Docker
- In progress: raspberry pi, camera IP, enhancement of image quality
GitHub: https://github.com/jabascal/covid_detection
Classification and experiment tracking with tensorboard and mlflow on COVID data
DL for CV with keras
GitHub: https://github.com/jabascal/deep-learning-for-computer-vision-with-keras
Notebooks for different computer vision applications:
- Image classification, transfer learning
- Adversarial attacks and adversarial learning